Well, after a lot of hard work and nervous tension, we’ve released Voluminous, our new all-in-one Internet Librarian. What does it do? Well, it finds books for you, on the Internet. Free ones. Over 20,000 of them, actually. All legal, by the way – they’re in the public domain (it checks). It makes a catalogue, and you can search it in a variety of ways, download the ones you want, and turn them into nicely-formatted books (they start off as plain text) that you can read or print or turn into PDFs or send to friends or search to find that elusive quote or… well, you get the idea, I hope.
It’s an exciting time for us here at Wooji, finally releasing a commercial application. We have plans to expand Voluminous (1.x updates will, of course, be free to registered users), and we have new projects to work on too. We’ll be announcing more about that in due course, but in the meantime, why not read a good book? :)